I’ve been struggling and procrastinating for months on how to build this website, how to promote some stuff I’ve been working on, a project or two, working the day job, etc… The same shit every artist trying to artist does before the desperation kicks in. We perform this act of procrastination right up until the time we question our ability to do for life, whatever shit ass job we currently find ourselves occupying.
So yeah, onto…. the stuff. I’ll just start with a recent thing. Just over a month ago through a chance encounter, I ended up teaming together with the Portland based string quartet Mousai Remix to do live painting with them during a performance. I prepared my color scheme, researched the musicians, practiced sketching them, and even went to the venue to plan for the set-up.

As all things go however, the inevitable is an inevitability and those plans went out the window the second I showed up at the venue. There had been a change in the set up where the band would be below me, and I’d be up on the stage… solo. The following photos are what had been planned for.

This is what we ended up with.

You have to just go with the flow sometimes, adjust and adapt to developing challenges, and carry on in a positive fashion. The performance by the group was stellar, I had a great time painting, and a pretty cool piece came out of it. Success all around.